Verhoeven Family Tree
Peter Verhoeven

Home Card

In this section of the site you will be able to navigate through a family tree containing over 42,000 people, starting from the present day Verhoeven and Kuykendall families and going back to our origins in The Netherlands in the 1500s. The database is not limited to these two families but includes links to many of the other families which intermarried with them over the centuries. This information is provided for entertainment, study historical research and educational puposes only.

Once you navigate through the family tree you will find that the navigation bar (on the left) will no longer appear. Instead you should use the navigation bar that is provided at the bottom of the family tree pages. You should also use the navigation bar to return to this page.

Lastly, in the Surnames and Index sections there are several "names" which are displayed as numbers or other desinators (i.e. spouse, lover, child, etc). These designators have been use to identify individuals for whom we have have no name (neither given nor family) and for whom there is other information available such as DOB, DOD, etc.

The data is, unfortunately, not perfect and any information, correction, suggestion or additions you can provide would be greatly appreciated. If you on the other hand would like more information on the family please feel free to contact us also. In either case, please drop us a note at: or use the contact form provided.

20 Rum Row
Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
1 843 785 6156
1 843 785 6154

Created 7 May 2003 by EasyTree, from Sierra On-Line